Teaching Life skills to Kids during COVID-19

With the extension of COVID-19, the concept of homeschooling started as a measure to educate kids at home under the supervision of their parents.
When the kids have already adapted to the schedule of playing and watching videos, the introduction of this homeschooling surely came up with the change in mindset and requires a lot of time management.
However, homeschooling came up with a lot of expectations from parents, they have clearly understood that teaching their little munchkin can be quiet a task. Also, educating kids at home is a whole different project without proper training and adequate materials available with the parents.
The change has been difficult in adaption for many reasons, however, the most common being the lack of self-regulation among kids.However, learning shall never stop. If you have finally realized that homeschooling is not fun at all, try these surprising ways to keep your kids engaged while you teach them lessons for lifetime.
